
Welcome aboard! We are the Massachusetts Bay Council of the Navy League of the United States.

The Navy League of the United States was founded in 1902 with the encouragement of President Theodore Roosevelt. The Navy League is unique among military-oriented associations in that it is a civilian organization dedicated to the education of our citizens, including our elected officials, and the support of the men and women of the sea services and their families. Further information may be obtained by visiting the web site

The Massachusetts Bay Council, as chartered by the Navy League of the U.S., is a non-profit, educational, 501.c.3 organization with roots back to 1955; With about 500 members and not charging any local dues, we support our Sea Services in many ways. We make many awards to Navy, Coast Guard and Marine personnel, as well as NROTC and JROTC units in eastern Massachusetts, sponsor eight Sea and League Cadet units, raise funds for the Marine Toys for Tots program, and much more. We keep our members apprised of legislation affecting Sea Services and encourage them to communicate with their Senators and Congressmen.

We sponsored commissioning of USS Nantucket (LCS 27) on 16 November 2024, USS THOMAS HUDNER (DDG 116) in 2018, USCGC JAMES (WMSL 754) in August 2015, USS SAMPSON (DDG 102) in 2007, USS PREBLE (DDG 88) in 2002; and previously, USS RAMAGE, USS BUNKER HILL and USS SAMUEL ELIOT MORISON; as well as assisting the Coast Guard with Commissioning the USCGC Warren Deyampert (WPC 1151) in 2023.

NAVY LEAGUE DUES are only: Regular Member $55; E-Membership (everything on-line) for $25, and other categories. Opportunity to recruit new members or give a gift. Applications are found at


Annual Please Don't Come Luncheon was held in March and raised funds to support the council's youth programs which include Naval Sea Cadet activities and awards to Sea Cadets, NJ&MCJROTC cadets and N&MCROTC and Massachusetts Maritime Midshipmen.

A tour of the Coast Guard Sector Boston Command Center and a Cutter was again held in 2024.

TOYS FOR TOTS: Our 52nd Annual Toys for Tots (TFT) event supporting the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program resulted in donating over 700 items to be distributed amongst needy families in Essex and Middlesex counties. Thanks to our members who contributed toys and over $6,500 for the purchase of toys.      

MASSACHUSETTS BAY COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING was held electronically on ZOOM on 08 January 2024 and the Officers and Directors for 2024 were elected (see the Officers page). 

